Posted by TUE
on Jun 28, 2023
with 0
Happiness is not the goal, but a byproduct of investing wisely in ourselves and others. - Ben Carson
Don't fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today. - Michael Jordan
Success is not defined by the accolades or material possessions we accumulate, but by the impact we make on the lives of others. True success is measured by the positive change we inspire and the legacy we leave behind.
The true value of life is not just the successes we achieve, but also the values we bring into the lives of others. - Albert Einstein
A man's worth is not defined by his job or possessions, but by the love, respect, and kindness he gives to others. - Unknown
Wisdom is not solely acquired through books but through life's experiences and lessons. Embrace each opportunity as a chance to learn, grow, and gain wisdom.