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[Instrumental] Various Artists - Xian Hua Miao Yin (弦华妙音 民乐精选) (2021) [WAV]

Posted by TUE on Nov 30, 2021 with 0 Comments
Various Artists - Xian Hua Miao Yin (Folk Music Selection) (弦华妙音 民乐精选)
| WAV+CUE | 364MB | Guzheng, Pipa, Erhu, Instrumental | Covers | 2021 |
The traditional Chinese instruments resonate gracefully, leaving lingering echoes. With each string plucked, the essence of the melody is profoundly felt. The beauty of the world is encapsulated in each string and melody.

Chinese musical instruments are integral to the culture of the Chinese nation, treasures in the global repository of music. They have a long and rich history, featuring exquisite craftsmanship, ancient charm, and a diverse range of types, each capable of producing enchanting sounds representing the essence of Eastern ethnicities. These instruments captivate the world, arousing admiration and fascination.

As the music flows from your speakers, you can clearly see in that fleeting moment the images of mountains, water, falling leaves, snow, and the eternal essence of life. The indescribable and inexhaustible emotions experienced are the beauty of classical Chinese music that you have never encountered before.

This album includes performances on traditional Chinese instruments such as gaohu, pipa, erhu, guzheng, and more. It is an auditory feast that should not be missed.

专辑名称:弦华妙音 民乐精选
编 号:PCD-6710

01 - Liu Dehai (刘德海) - 高山流水·琵琶 High Mountain And Floating Water (Pipa) ...2:36
02 - Fan Shang-e (范上娥) - 渔舟唱晚·古筝 The Fisherman's Night Song (Guzheng) ...3:36
03 - Min Huifen (闵惠芬) - 江河水·二胡 The Waters Of The River (Erhu) ...7:00
04 - Fan Shang-e (范上娥) - 将军令·古筝 General's Command (Guzheng) ...4:06
05 - Liu Dehai (刘德海) - 夕阳箫鼓·琵琶 Flute and Drum at Sunset (Pipa) ...5:08
06 - Yu Qiwei (余其伟) - 月上枝头·高胡 Yue Shang Zhi Tou (Gaohu) ...5:14
07 - Liu Dehai (刘德海) - 大浪淘沙·琵琶 Great Waves Wash Away The Sand ...4:22
08 - Wang Li (王莉) - 蝶恋花·古筝 The Butterfly Loves The Flower (Guzheng) ...3:09
09 - Min Huifen (闵惠芬) - 阳关三叠·二胡 Parting At Yangguan Pass (Erhu) ...5:08
10 - Jiao Jinhai (焦金海) - 苗岭的早晨·古筝 Morning In The Miaoling Mountains (Guzheng) ...4:45
11 - Liu Dehai (刘德海) - 彝族舞曲·琵琶 The Dance Of Yi People (Pipa) ...6:01
12 - Yu Qiwei (余其伟) - 山乡春早·高胡 Early Spring at Mountain Village (Gaohu) ...5:23
13 - Min Huifen (闵惠芬) - 赛马·二胡 Sai Ma (Erhu) ...1:27

GIFT for YOU | Demo | TUE
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