[New Age] Various Artists - Chanting Through Landscape (吟唱山水间) (2005) [APE]
Posted by TUE
on Dec 12, 2010
with 0
Various Artists - Chanting Through Landscape (吟唱山水间)
| APE+CUE | 317MB | Chinese New Age, Instrumental | 2005 |
专辑名称:中国原创地理音乐 - 吟唱山水间
作曲/后期 Composer:小辉 Xiao Hui
打击乐 Percussion:王宏涛 Wang Hongtao
吉它 Guitar:蔡正东 Cai Zhengdong
笛、萧 Flute:杜聪 Du Cong、艾鸿波 Ai Hongbo
二胡 Erhu:唐玲 Tang Ling
小提琴 Violin:潘智 Pan Zhi
古筝 Guzheng:沈乐 Shen Le
琵琶 Pipa:汪济滢 Wang Jiying
演唱 Singing:古格、贡布昂杰、桑吉措、唐果、徐快
01 - 碧水微风媚太湖 Charming Tai Lake With Blue Water And Breeze ...4:43
02 - 佛光山水普陀山 Buddha' Light Putuo Mountain ...4:10
03 - 天水一色青海湖 Sky Syncreticed With Water In Qinghai Lake ...4:31
04 - 天籁天音绕天山 Music Of Nature Around Tian Shan Mountain ...4:41
05 - 水天浩渺洞庭湖 Vague Sky And Water In Dongting Lake ...5:11
06 - 银河烟雨挂庐山 Misty Rain From Milky Way Hanging On Lushan Mountain ...5:25
07 - 雲门七彩峨嵋山 Cloud And Rainbow On EMEI Mountain ...5:29
08 - 诗韵悠悠秀漓江 Beautiful Lijiang River With Leisurely Poetry ...3:42
09 - 清音玉露月牙泉 Clear Tone And Water In Yueya Spring ...5:52
10 - 雅鲁藏布江 Yarlungzangbo River ...4:27
11 - 云海清泉奇黄山 Heavy Cloud And Clean Spring Around The Odd Mount ...4:09
CM | BD | MG | Demo | Password: vnltue
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